
Explore our expert analysis and thought leadership on legal developments that shape how you do business.

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  • Remarkable Ruling from the European Court of Human Rights on Climate Change
    Legal Alert 16.05.2024

    Remarkable Ruling from the European Court of Human Rights on Climate Change

    In its landmark ruling on 9 April 2024, the ECtHR declared climate change a dire threat to human rights. Swiss women's complaint against governmental inaction violating ECHR underscored the imperative for access to justice. The ECtHR's directive urges states to honor international obligations, safeguarding against irreversible harm.

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  • An Overview of Occupational Fraud 2024: A Report to the Nations by ACFE
    Legal Alert 22.03.2024

    An Overview of Occupational Fraud 2024: A Report to the Nations by ACFE

    The Association of Certified Fraud Examiners ("ACFE"), a global anti-fraud organization, has recently published its 2024 Occupational Fraud Report (the "Report"). Drawing from data spanning 138 countries and 22 industry sectors, the report reveals staggering losses exceeding USD 31.1 billion due to occupational fraud.

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  • Ticaret Bakanlığından Yeşil Dönüşüme Destek
    Legal Alert 14.03.2024

    Ticaret Bakanlığından Yeşil Dönüşüme Destek

    Ticaret Bakanlığının desteğiyle hayata geçirilecek Yeşil Mutabakata uyum projeleri, yeşil dönüşüm için bir yol haritası sunarak, ihracatçı şirketleri AB pazarında başarı için gereken araçlarla donatmayı amaçlıyor. Özellikle, şirketlerin uyum danışmanlığı giderleri ve TİM'in bu konudaki çalışmalarına yönelik giderleri için sağlanan kayda değer destek, yeşil dönüşüme yapılan önemli yatırımın altını çiziyor. Uygulama, AB pazarında başarı ve rekabet gücünün sağlanmasında kurumsal sürdürülebilirlik ve yeşil dönüşümün önemini vurguluyor.

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  • Amendments to Turkish Personal Data Protection Law
    Legal Alert 05.03.2024

    Amendments to Turkish Personal Data Protection Law

    Notable developments in data protection in Türkiye as the bill, featuring key amendments to the Personal Data Protection Law, has been given the green light in the Turkish Grand National Assembly. Pending the President's approval, the changes are set to take effect upon publication in the Official Gazette.

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  • EU Report: Antitrust Enforcement for Broader Pharmaceutical Access – Strengthening Compliance Amid Robust Measures
    Legal Alert 23.02.2024

    EU Report: Antitrust Enforcement for Broader Pharmaceutical Access – Strengthening Compliance Amid Robust Measures

    Explore the EU antitrust impact on pharmaceuticals (2018-2022). The recent report underscores the pivotal role of antitrust measures—promoting fair medicine prices, addressing anticompetitive practices, and shaping the future of pharmaceutical enforcement in Europe. In times of robust enforcement in both the EU and Türkiye, strategic compliance becomes imperative, providing pharmaceutical companies with a competitive edge.

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  • Critical Development for the Turkish Business Landscape: Scope of the Sustainability Reporting Standards Unveiled
    Legal Alert 12.01.2024

    Critical Development for the Turkish Business Landscape: Scope of the Sustainability Reporting Standards Unveiled

    In a significant development for Turkey's business environment, the Public Oversight, Accounting, and Auditing Standards Authority has issued a crucial decision concerning Turkish Sustainability Reporting Standards (TSRS). This decision elucidates the conditions that determine which companies fall under the purview of TSRS. Serving as a cornerstone, the decision provides clarity for companies as they incorporate environmental, social, and governance aspects into their sustainability reports.

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  • Bitcoin ETFs to Launch in the US: SEC Concerned
    Legal Alert 25.12.2023

    Bitcoin ETFs to Launch in the US: SEC Concerned

    In 2024, the U.S. anticipates the introduction of Bitcoin Exchange-Traded Funds (ETFs). Concerns arise as the SEC mandates cash redemptions over standard in-kind transactions, adding complexity and increased costs for issuers. In our news alert, we explore the implications of this pivotal shift in the cryptocurrency market.

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  • Gamechanger in the European ESG Regulations:  Corporate Sustainability Due Diligence Directive
    Legal Alert 20.12.2023

    Gamechanger in the European ESG Regulations: Corporate Sustainability Due Diligence Directive

    In a transformative development for European ESG regulations, the Corporate Sustainability Due Diligence Directive mandates extensive due diligence by large companies, specifically targeting adverse environmental and human rights impacts across their value chain. This directive introduces civil liability and penalties, reshaping business practices. Once formally adopted by the European Parliament and the Council, the directive's holistic approach will extend globally, demanding proactive compliance from businesses to meet heightened ESG standards.

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  • Europe's Landmark Agreement: First Global Regulation of Artificial Intelligence
    Legal Alert 13.12.2023

    Europe's Landmark Agreement: First Global Regulation of Artificial Intelligence

    The European Parliament and Council have struck a historic deal on the Artificial Intelligence Act, prioritizing safety, EU values, and innovation. The legislation outlines regulations for high-risk AI, prohibits certain practices, and introduces a governance framework. Emphasizing transparency and fundamental rights, the EU's AI Act has the potential to become a global standard for AI regulation.

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  • Binance Hakkındaki Soruşturma Rekor Ceza ile Sonuçlandı
    Legal Alert 05.12.2023

    Binance Hakkındaki Soruşturma Rekor Ceza ile Sonuçlandı

    Binance, ABD yasalarını ihlal ettiği suçlamalarıyla ilgili yürütülen soruşturma sonucunda, rekor miktarda ceza ödemek ve ABD pazarından çekilmek zorunda kaldı. Yaşanan gelişmelerin, sektördeki diğer kuruluşları, uyum programlarını entegre etme konusunda teşvik etmesi beklenirken, uygulanan yaptırımların da sektörde bir dönüm noktası olduğu değerlendiriliyor.

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  • New Regulations on the Rental of Residential Properties for Tourism Purposes
    Legal Alert 17.11.2023

    New Regulations on the Rental of Residential Properties for Tourism Purposes

    The new regulations, scheduled to take effect on January 1, 2024, establish general principles, permissions, and administrative penalties concerning the short-term tourism-oriented rental of residences, limited to durations of fewer than one hundred days. Obtaining permission from the Ministry of Culture and Tourism is now mandatory for engaging in tourism-related rental activities and is subject to specific conditions. Additionally, the law outlines significant administrative fines and penalties, including the potential cancellation of the permission document, in the event of non-compliance.

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  • Konutların Turizm Amaçlı Kiralanması Yeni Düzenlemelere Bağlandı
    Legal Alert 13.11.2023

    Konutların Turizm Amaçlı Kiralanması Yeni Düzenlemelere Bağlandı

    1 Ocak 2024 tarihinde yürürlüğe girecek olan yeni düzenleme ile konutların tek seferde yüz günden kısa süreyle turizm amaçlı olarak kiralanmasına dair genel esaslar, izinler ve idari yaptırımlar belirlenmiştir. Turizm amaçlı kiralama faaliyetinde bulunabilmek için Kültür ve Turizm Bakanlığı'ndan izin alınması zorunlu hale getirilmiş ve bu izin belirli şartlara bağlanmıştır. Ayrıca, kanunun ihlal edilmesi durumunda yüksek miktarda idari para cezaları ve izin belgesinin iptali gibi yaptırımlar öngörülmüştür.

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  • Kişi Hürriyeti ve Güvenliği Hakkının İhlal Edildiğine İlişkin AYM Genel Kurulu Kararı
    Legal Alert 17.10.2023

    Kişi Hürriyeti ve Güvenliği Hakkının İhlal Edildiğine İlişkin AYM Genel Kurulu Kararı

    AYM hukuka aykırı gözaltı tedbiri dolayısıyla ödenen tazminatın yetersizliği nedeniyle kişi hürriyeti ve güvenliği hakkının ihlal edildiğine karar verdi.

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